Lt. Dorian's Room
Lt. Dorian hasn’t really had anywhere that she’d call home since she left Sagittaron. When she has to bunk somewhere other than a military base she stays with her brother, Marcus. He has a two bedroom apartment on Sagittaron and she takes the spare room. Marcus, like her other brothers, is an academic and travels a lot, so he isn’t there much.

The single bed in the corner is the only clear spot in the room. The rest of the room is stacked high with a graveyard of dead electrical equipment, in various states of repair, and engineering journals and magazines. The only other pieces of furniture are a wardrobe, a desk and rather rickety looking chair. The wardrobe is mostly full of uniforms, but has shelves down one side that are full of comfortable casual clothes. The uniforms are carefully hung, the rest of the clothes are more haphazardly stored.

The desk has an engineer’s tool kit, a computer, and a mess of paperwork on it. Some of the papers are official from her duties in the Colonial fleet, others are scribbled circuit and engineering diagrams. Engineering journals lie open at pages of interest and others are stacked, book marked. Amongst the clutter, half hidden by the papers, is a picture in a dark wood frame of Jena and her three brothers, arms around each other’s shoulders, all smiling at the camera. It looks as if it was taken a few years ago.

On the wall are a few pictures. There are two framed engineering schematics of older model Battlestars and ships. There is a picture of Lt Dorian in her uniform with the rest of her graduation class from Officer Candidate School and beside it is her framed officer’s commissioning scroll. On another wall are a couple of large posters identifying fossils of ancient plants and animals.

A large ammonite paperweight sits on the desk, and some books on the archaeology of the Colonies are piled in a corner. The top one of the pile is entitled “Carbon Dating” and the pile has a small heap of random fossils resting on top of it. On the back of the door is a hook with coats and scarves, perched on top is a cycle helmet. Lt Dorian’s bike is in the hallway of the apartment. It is very well maintained and looks like some money has been spent on it.


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