"Kyklos - Part Two"   Season 1, Episode 5
  Exodus +251    

The Myriad and civilian ships jump to empty space in the middle of the Colonial System. Fights break out all over the fleet as news spreads of Sheryl Timuc’s true identity as an Eight. Matters come to a head as a bomb rips through the air recycling system, just after Jena Dorian is sent to repair it. Dorian miraculously survives and a Six, calling herself Alice Cestus, is apprehended. Commander Darius shoots her and Nereus rushes to extract remote detonation transmitters, linked to other bombs, from inside her body. The attempt is successful and no other bombs are detonated, though Darius is accused of war crimes in his treatment of Cestus. Nestra, recognising the Six as a model she once smuggled into the Colonies, goes to ground.

Furik reports the encounter with the Colonial ships but does not tell Darius, who informs the press that there were no casualties during the assault. Unfortunately, this is not the story that the two recovered scientists tell; controversy once more tears through the survivors as it is claimed that Krysten Furik murdered over three hundred humans aboard the Hephaestus.

Months pass as preparations for elections proceed and resentments over the Hephaestus attack simmer. Althea Ward and Nicholai Crane are nominated and the campaigns begin, the former holding a substantial lead in opinion over the Caprican. The efforts of both are threatened when it emerges that they were both unwittingly under arrest when en route to Caprica before the attacks, on the charge of incitement to riot. Three hundred days after the Cylon attacks, the elections are just around the corner when Jena Dorian discovers a radiation emission from the Myriad. As soon as it’s deactivated, the Cylons attack and the fleet flees to the rim of the Colonial System.

The elections are held, with Crane on a capitalist platform and Ward a socialist one; the latter wins, but by a narrow margin. Her first role as Governor is to confirm the Justice Commission’s decision that the laws of individual colonies are to be dissolved in favour of federal law. But this is overshadowed as six Saggitarons on the Augea kidnap two Marines, demanding that the war criminal Krysten Furik be executed...

Survivors: 2305

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